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See AED Science Manual aed_sed_candi_pars

name zon_01 zon_02 !- [string] description of field
db0  20   20  !- [integer] description of field
imix  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
xs  20   20  !- [integer] description of field
x1  15   15  !- [integer] description of field
x2  35   35  !- [integer] description of field
irrg  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
alpha0  30   30  !- [integer] description of field
xirrig  7   7  !- [integer] description of field
ventflow  -0.00015   -0.00015  !- [real] description of field
w00  0.15   0.15  !- [real] description of field
p0  0.9   0.9  !- [real] description of field
p00  0.6   0.6  !- [real] description of field
density  2.5   2.5  !- [real] description of field
bp  0.6   0.6  !- [real] description of field
torteq  2   2  !- [integer] description of field
an  2.14   2.14  !- [real] description of field
aa  3.79   3.79  !- [real] description of field
ab  2.02   2.02  !- [real] description of field
xl  40   40  !- [integer] description of field
maxnpts  100   100  !- [integer] description of field
job  2   2  !- [integer] description of field
numOM  3   3  !- [integer] description of field
simDOM  .true.   .true.  !- [boolean] description of field
OMapproach  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
OMModel  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
FTemswitch  2   2  !- [integer] description of field
FTswitch  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
FBIOswitch  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
FINswitch  2   2  !- [integer] description of field
FInO2Onlyswitch  2   2  !- [integer] description of field
FOMswitch  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
Bsolidswitch  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
VCW  .false.   .false.  !- [boolean] description of field
simMnFe  .true.   .true.  !- [boolean] description of field
simFeS  .true.   .true.  !- [boolean] description of field
simX  .false.   .false.  !- [boolean] description of field
simCaCO3  .false.   .false.  !- [boolean] description of field
simFeCO3  .false.   .false.  !- [boolean] description of field
simMnCO3  .false.   .false.  !- [boolean] description of field
simNPAds  .false.   .false.  !- [boolean] description of field
rxn_mode  2   2  !- [integer] description of field
ads_use_pH  .true.   .true.  !- [boolean] description of field
poml2dic  0.33   5000  !- [integer] description of field
pomr2dic  0.0003   0.0003  !- [real] description of field
pomspecial2dic  2   2  !- [integer] description of field
R0  135   135  !- [integer] description of field
VCWBeta  0.208   0.208  !- [real] description of field
docl2dic  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
donl2din  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
dopl2dip  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
pocl2docl  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
ponl2donl  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
popl2dopl  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
docr2docl  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
donr2donl  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
dopr2dopl  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
pocr2docr  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
ponr2donr  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
popr2dopr  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
pocvr2docr  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
ponvr2donr  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
popvr2dopr  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kgrowthFer  50   50  !- [integer] description of field
kgrowthAer  50   50  !- [integer] description of field
kgrowthDen  50   50  !- [integer] description of field
kgrowthMan  50   50  !- [integer] description of field
kgrowthIro  50   50  !- [integer] description of field
kgrowthSul  50   50  !- [integer] description of field
kgrowthMet  50   50  !- [integer] description of field
kdeathFer  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
kdeathAer  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
kdeathDen  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
kdeathMan  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
kdeathIro  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
kdeathSul  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
kdeathMet  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
kHyd1  0.95   0.95  !- [real] description of field
kHyd2  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
kHyd3  0.1   0.1  !- [real] description of field
kHyd4  0.01   0.01  !- [real] description of field
kHydN  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
domr2dic  0.01   0.01  !- [real] description of field
domr2pomr  0.001   0.001  !- [real] description of field
poml2doml  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
BMax  5.5   5.5  !- [real] description of field
BMin  0.05   0.05  !- [real] description of field
fuse  0.1   0.1  !- [real] description of field
Cellweight  113   113  !- [integer] description of field
Tiny  1.0E-8   1.0E-8  !- [real] description of field
xlab  140   140  !- [integer] description of field
xref  140   140  !- [integer] description of field
xspecial  140   140  !- [integer] description of field
ylab  10.04545   10.04545  !- [real] description of field
yref  10.04545   10.04545  !- [real] description of field
yspecial  10   10  !- [integer] description of field
zlab  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
zref  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
zspecial  0.5   0.5  !- [real] description of field
XMetal_lab  0.01   0.01  !- [real] description of field
XMetal_ref  0.01   0.01  !- [real] description of field
XMetal_special  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
xPOM1  108   108  !- [integer] description of field
yPOM1  16   16  !- [integer] description of field
zPOM1  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
XMetal_POM1  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
xPOM2  108   108  !- [integer] description of field
yPOM2  16   16  !- [integer] description of field
zPOM2  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
XMetal_POM2  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
xPOM3  108   108  !- [integer] description of field
yPOM3  16   16  !- [integer] description of field
zPOM3  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
XMetal_POM3  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
xPOM4  108   108  !- [integer] description of field
yPOM4  16   16  !- [integer] description of field
zPOM4  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
XMetal_POM4  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
xDHyd  6   6  !- [integer] description of field
yDHyd  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
zDHyd  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
XMetal_DHyd  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
xOAc  2   2  !- [integer] description of field
yOAc  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
zOAc  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
xH2  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
yH2  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
zH2  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kNH4OX  5000   5000  !- [integer] description of field
kTSNO3  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kTSOX  160   160  !- [integer] description of field
kMnOX  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kMnadsOx  5000   5000  !- [integer] description of field
kMnNO3  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kFeOX  140000   140000  !- [integer] description of field
kFeadsOX  50000   50000  !- [integer] description of field
kFeSOX  220   220  !- [integer] description of field
kFeS2OX  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
kMnAge  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kFeAge  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kFeNO3  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kFeSMn  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kFeSFe  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kFeSppt  0.15   0.15  !- [real] description of field
kFeSdis  0.001   0.001  !- [real] description of field
kTSFe  8   8  !- [integer] description of field
kPyrite  0.00023   0.00023  !- [real] description of field
kMnFe  3000   3000  !- [integer] description of field
kTSMn  20   20  !- [integer] description of field
kCH4OX  10000000   10000000  !- [integer] description of field
kCH4SO4  10   10  !- [integer] description of field
kSidppt  450   450  !- [integer] description of field
kSiddis  0.25   0.25  !- [real] description of field
kRodppt  100   100  !- [integer] description of field
kRoddis  0.25   0.25  !- [real] description of field
kCalppt  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kMnO2Appt  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kMnO2Bppt  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kFeOHAppt  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
kFeOHBppt  0   0  !- [integer] description of field
FTR  0.00831   0.00831  !- [real] description of field
FTT  298   298  !- [integer] description of field
deltaGATP  45   45  !- [integer] description of field
e  2.718281829   2.718281829  !- [real] description of field
F  96.48534   96.48534  !- [real] description of field
n  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
dPsi  0.12   0.12  !- [real] description of field
dG0FerDHyd  -30   -30  !- [integer] description of field
dG0AerDHy  -2883   -2883  !- [integer] description of field
dG0AerOAc  -847   -847  !- [integer] description of field
dG0DenDHy  -2774   -2774  !- [integer] description of field
dG0DenOAc  -813   -813  !- [integer] description of field
dG0DenH2  -226   -226  !- [integer] description of field
dG0ManOAc  -625   -625  !- [integer] description of field
dG0IroOAc  -736.6   -736.6  !- [real] description of field
dG0IroH2  -230.7   -230.7  !- [real] description of field
dG0SulOAc  -64.7   -64.7  !- [real] description of field
dG0SulH2  -38.8   -38.8  !- [real] description of field
dG0MetOAc  -31.7   -31.7  !- [real] description of field
dG0MetH2  -31.3   -31.3  !- [real] description of field
YDHyAer  68.41   68.41  !- [real] description of field
YDHyFer  11.95   11.95  !- [real] description of field
YDenDHy  67.1   67.1  !- [real] description of field
YAerOAc  17.25   17.25  !- [real] description of field
YDenOAc  16.82   16.82  !- [real] description of field
YDenH2  4.49   4.49  !- [real] description of field
YManOAc  14.14   14.14  !- [real] description of field
YIroOAc  18.7   18.7  !- [real] description of field
YIroH2  4.54   4.54  !- [real] description of field
YSulOAc  2.03   2.03  !- [real] description of field
YSulH2  1.15   1.15  !- [real] description of field
YMetOAc  1.02   1.02  !- [real] description of field
YMetH2  0.94   0.94  !- [real] description of field
kO2  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
kpO2  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
kNO3  0.003   0.003  !- [real] description of field
kpNO3  0.003   0.003  !- [real] description of field
kMnO2  16   16  !- [integer] description of field
kpMnO2  16   16  !- [integer] description of field
kFeOH  100   100  !- [integer] description of field
kpFeOH  100   100  !- [integer] description of field
kSO4  1.6   1.6  !- [real] description of field
kpSO4  1.6   1.6  !- [real] description of field
kpO2NO3  0.003   0.003  !- [real] description of field
kpO2MnO2  200   200  !- [integer] description of field
kpO2FeOH  200   200  !- [integer] description of field
kpO2SO4  0.002   0.002  !- [real] description of field
kpO2CH4  0.002   0.002  !- [real] description of field
lO2  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
lpO2  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
lNO3  0.005   0.005  !- [real] description of field
lpNO3  0.005   0.005  !- [real] description of field
lMnO2  16   16  !- [integer] description of field
lpMnO2  16   16  !- [integer] description of field
lFeOH  100   100  !- [integer] description of field
lpFeOH  100   100  !- [integer] description of field
lSO4  1.6   1.6  !- [real] description of field
lpSO4  1.6   1.6  !- [real] description of field
lpo2no3  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
lpo2mno2  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
lpo2feoh  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
lpo2so4  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
lpo2ch4  0.02   0.02  !- [real] description of field
KDHyd  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
KOAc  0.01   0.01  !- [real] description of field
KH2  0.01   0.01  !- [real] description of field
fracOAc  0.666687   0.666687  !- [real] description of field
fracH2  0.333333   0.333333  !- [real] description of field
kNH4Ads  1.4   1.4  !- [real] description of field
VCWSb  30   30  !- [integer] description of field
GammaS  0.11   0.11  !- [real] description of field
KSMnads  3.5   3.5  !- [real] description of field
KSFeads  3.7   3.7  !- [real] description of field
kPO4Ads  3   3  !- [integer] description of field
PO4AdsorptionModel  1   1  !- [integer] description of field
KPO4p  1.05   1.05  !- [real] description of field
Kadsratio  1.05   1.05  !- [real] description of field
Qmax  1.05   1.05  !- [real] description of field
KPSid  -8.4   -8.4  !- [real] description of field
KPRod  -8.5   -8.5  !- [real] description of field
KPFeS  2.2   2.2  !- [real] description of field
Xname  Zn   Zn  !- [string] description of field
Xmk  0.06   0.06  !- [real] description of field
Xfl  0.065   0.065  !- [real] description of field
Xfm  0.0001   0.0001  !- [real] description of field