Processing math: 100%

Science Modules / Sediment Biogeochemistry

The AED modules has aimed to provde flexibility in how users may want to simulate sediment-water interaction. This includes a simple flux equation, or a simple mass balance model maintains a mass balance of C, N, P, Si, DO and SS in both the water column and a single sediment layer. At this development stage only sufficient complexity is implemented in the sediments to maintain mass conservation. The sediment fluxes of dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients are based on empirical formulations that account for environmental sensitivities and require laboratory and field studies to establish parameter values. Resuspension of particulate nutrients is currently not configured, however note that the resuspension of inorganic sediments is performed through the TUFLOW-FV driver.

Variable Summary & Setup Options

Variable Name Description Units Variable Type Core/Optional


pending ......

Publications & References

To be completed ...

Style Switcher

Predefined Colors

Layout Style

Background Image

Background Color
