The approach to plotting depends on the hydrodynamic driver, as it is the host model that manages the nature of the domain and output settings.
TUFLOW-FV has a range of configurable model outputs that can be used with various different software packages, as outlined in the model documentation. The *.datv
format output option can be natively read into SMS.
Alternatively, the *.nc
format produced by the model can be used by a range of software packages, most commonly Matlab. BMT WBM's Matlab toolbox can be downloaded from here. For questions and support related to plotting TUFLOW-FV outputs, refer to this forum.
Note that AED2 variables in these outputs are appended with WQ_
for state variables, and WQ_DIAG_
for diagnostic variables (refer to individual module pages for descriptions of what these variables are). An example of the code required in the TUFLOW-FV *.fvc
file is below:
output dir == ..\Output\
output == datv
output parameters == Sal,v,H,D,wq_all
output interval == 10800
end output
output == flux
output interval == 7200
end output
output == netcdf
output parameters == h,v,d,Sal,Temp,W10,TRACE_1,TRACE_2,wq_all,wq_diag_all
output interval == 14400
end output
update pending
update pending